facials and Anti-aging in binningen/basel

Haben Sie Hautprobleme? Dann kann ich ihnen als Fachkosmetikerin helfen und ihre Haut wieder ins Gelichgewicht bringen mit auf ihren Hautzustand abgestimmten Gesichtsbehandlungen.
Facials Kosmetikstudio Basel

You can choose from different facial treatments:

  • Classic treatments (facial with cleansing, peeling, massage, eye brows, mask)
  • Specialized treatment for skinproblems like acne (deep facial cleansing, dermabrasion)
  • Specialized treatments Anti-Age, anti hyperpigmentation (microneedling, mesoporation, Dr. Gerny treatments, facials with AHA, ultrasound)

facial classic 75-90 Min. 135.- with Colour light 145.-

Cleansing, deep cleaning with an enzymatic exfoliation and vapozone, skin analysis, eye brow shaping if wished, face-neck and shoulder massage, face and eye mask (nourishing, moisturizing, deep cleansing- as what your skin needs at the moment), finishing care.

Adapted to your skin type and state. 

Colour light therapy is good for cell regeneration, woundhealing, skinproblems, allergies, stimulates the buildung of collagen and the cell metabolism.

facial pure 75-90 Min. 130.-/140.-(Colour light)

This treatment is for a acne skin or impurities.

Cleansing, Deep cleaning with enzymatic exfoliation and vapozone, skin analysis, manual cleansing of the pores (blackheads), high frequenzy, Deep cleansing and moisturizing mask, finishing care.


with browshaping 150.-

with face massage 145.-

facial deluxe with massage & Ultrasound 90 Min. 165.-

Cleansing, Deep cleaning with enzymatic exfoliation, skin analysis, short manual deep cleansing of the pores if needed (blackheads), high frequenzy, brow shaping, Ultrasound with a vitamine concentrate, massage face, decoletee and shoulders, mask, finishing care.

Adapted to your skin type and state or skin Problems (pigmented moles, big pores, wrinkles)

facial Deluxe II Ultrasound approx.75 Min. 155.-

Cleansing, Deep cleaning with enzymatic exfoliation, skin analysis, short manual deep cleansing of the pores if needed(blackheads), high frequenzy, brow shaping, Ultrasound with a vitamine concentrate, mask, finishing care.

Adapted to your skin type and state or skin Problems (pigmented moles, big pores, wrinkles)


A treatment with ultrasound is stimulating the Collagen and Elastin rebuilding, is infiltrating the concentrates deeper into your skin, is like a micromassage for a better bloodcirculation and detox.

A great Treatment to refresh and nourish your skin!

microneedling basic 175.-/6 times for 165.- each

Carol's Beauty Bar- Kosmetikstudio in Basel für wirksame Gesichtsbehandlungen von einer kosmetischen Fachfrau durchgeführt.
Professional Microneedling in Basel

Cleansing, enzymatic exfoliation, needling whole face with an concentrate (dewrinkler, repairer, clearer etc), calming mask.

+ neck 195.-; 3 times for 190.- each, 6 times 185.- each

+ neck and decoletee 235.-; 3 times for 230.-each, 6 times for 230.- each

+ decoletee 215.-; 3 times for 210.-, 6 times for each 205.-


microneedling Deluxe 195.-/6 times for 185.- each

Cleansing, enzymatic exfoliation, brow shaping, manual cleansing of blackheads, needling

face with an concentrate (dewrinkler, repairer, clearer etc), calming mask.

Microneedling neck 215.-, 6 times for 205.- each

Microneedling neck and decoletee 255.-, 6 times 245.- each

MIcroneedling plus decoletee 230.-

microdermabrasion 135.-

Cleansing, skin analysis

dermabrasion whole face, short manual cleansing of blackheads, brow shaping if needed, 

mask, finishing care

With ultrasonic in addition:


with a face massage in addition


Microdermabrasion with ultrasonic and face massage 165.-

biopeelx microneedling

Premium seeweed Microneedling.

Cleansing, peeling, Biopeelx with rejuvenation serum as a mask which will massaged in an left on 10 Min.

Afterwards a calming mask, finishing care.

Price: 190.-


Treatment Dr. Gerny

Age Defeyer Lift treatment ca. 90-100 Min. 180.-

An Anti- Aging treatment to regenerate your skin for a new skin experience. A peeling with fruit acid (AHA) is an optimal preparation for the following active ingredients as hyaluronic acid and other vitamins. 

mesoporation- Mesotherapy without needles

Mesoporation is a needlefree technique (non-invasive) for a faster and deeper penetration of active ingredients.

Cleansing, peeling (or Dermabrasion), deep cleaning if necessary, eye brows shaping, laserlight, mesoporation and finish care.


Face 60 Min. 179.-, with neck 214.-, with neck and decoletee 234.-

add lips + 15.-

massage additional + 10.-

AHA treatment shine

A treatment with fruit acids 

Cleansing, fruit acid peeling, brows if desired, mask with fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, daycream/suncream


Refines the skin, for a better moisture storage, against hyperpigmentations, to flatten wrinkles.


Little services

Eye brow shaping 30.-

Tinting lashes 25.-, with a facial treatment 20.-

Tiniting brows 20.-, with a facial treatment 15.-

Handmask with facial treatment +10.-

Eye mask in addition to another treatment + 10.-

Taking out milia from 30.- on (depending on how much you have/time needed) Please write me a message via email or whatsapp.

->For the removal of more then 20 Milia I suggest to book the one hour "Milienentfernung" online.